a lot of 8 hours that feel like shit due to ******* and a lot of 4-5 hours because of dad -- 7 maximum hours during the best of times -- AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH ALL EATEN BY D 000rRCE =====JUNE (7 hours a night -- depression sleep) JULY====== (do not give a toot atm) MARCH | | | 7 hours // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T H E G R E AT ARGON D R O U G H T // 2 nights on the floor, 11 hours total and a bad back // FEBRUARY first seven hours of sleep in a month — great expanse of laziness / one five-day-awake period, stretching from late December into January 18 — [dec - light era … … 2 - 4 for weeks] 4.5 5.5 3.5a {6 ? 3} 3.5 5 6 ? ? 5a ___ 4 7a 5a 5 4 x45mx45mx45mx45m 5a 6 4 7 6 6a [nov 18 ?] 7 4 [oct 10, 22 18 ?] |