Living Cells: 0
Change in Living Cells: 0
Sum of Brightness Levels: 0
Density of Living Cells: 0
Specific Pattern Count: 0
Random Cell State: 0
Cluster Sizes: 0
Longest Continuous Chain: 0
Border Activity: 0
Average Brightness: 0
Total Generations: 0
Average Lifespan of Cells: 0
Number of Oscillators: 0
Number of Still Lifes: 0
Number of Spaceships: 0
Population Fluctuation: 0
Color Dominance: 0
Most Common Neighbor Count: 0
Cell Longevity Distribution: 0
Edge Growth: 0
Average Age of Cells: 0
Number of Gliders: 0
Number of Pulsars: 0
Ratio of Living to Dead Cells: 0
Cluster Perimeter: 0
Entropy of the Grid: 0
Largest Empty Square: 0
Symmetry Measure: 0
Density of Clusters: 0
Living Edge Cells: 0
Time until next bloom: 30
Dice Roll: 0